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NICHOLS, Marcell

  • Branch 35 727 East 111th Street Chicago, IL, 60628 United States (map)

**COURT: Branch 35, 727 East 111th Street, 9:00am 

NICHOLS, Marcell DOB 110595 (20119471401, JD122382)

charges(11): 5x agg cruelty (510ILCS70.0/3.02(a))

                     1x UUW Weapon - Rifle (720ILCS5.0/24(1)(a)(7)(II))

                     1x Poss Can/>30-100g/1st offense (720ILCS550.0/4(c))

                     4x Reckless conduct/Bodily harm (720ILCS5.0/12-5(a)(1))

arrest: Beat 0522, 1xx W 113th Pl, 20Jan20

arresting officer: CPD Unit 0563E

animals(7): 5 dogs, 2 cats (1 DOA) - became CACC property

history: 22Jan20 released on $2k D-bond, 18Feb, 20Apr, 04Jun, 10Sep, 15Oct, 07Jan21

note: special condition of bond - no contact with animals; specifically cats and dogs

January 26